SKINCARE ROUTINE - A quick revival for a 20 something year old's dull, tired & dehydrated skin
Hey guys! It's been extremely busy for me the past few weeks, finding a full-time job and finally settling into my new job. But as I've been easing into this whole trying to sleep earlier, waking up at 6.30am and being fully busy from 830-530 thing, I've definitely noticed a change in my skin. Doing a quick check around I realize many of my girl friends working the usual office job also suffer from having dull and tired skin, often dehydrated from either the aircon or (relatively LOL) aging skin. Either that or the dry air makes our oily-skin friends even oilier. The lack of sleep is another burden on our skin too! AND SO, I'm back to share with you my skincare routine that I do once or twice a week to keep my skin bright, plump and fresh! I'll be sharing with you both a full and 'cheat' routine depending on how much you are willing to invest and how much time you have. Either way, both are affordable. FULL SKINCARE ROUTINE Before I start, let m...